A downloadable wg game for Windows

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Uploading now so people can see progression of the game - EXPECT PRICE INCREASE WITH UPDATES

A game where you eat food to gain weight, from a first person perspective! Bare bones at the moment, working to make it better for y'all! Play as a woman desperate to gain weight, and lay in bed and eat junk food all day long - the pounds will quickly pile on...

This game includes female weight gain, and is played primarily from a first person perspective - you can play different and stuff from a side angle! Now you can watch yourself grow in the bathroom mirror!

DISCLAIMER: All the bugs I have found so far have been ironed out aside from one - when eating, make sure you click to eat again after the first animation has played, or there will be no effect - working on this right now, amongst other things.

Updated 16 days ago
Published 23 days ago
StatusIn development
Tagseating, Erotic, get-fat, stuffing, weight-gain, weight-gaming, wg


Buy Now£2.50 GBP or more

In order to download this wg game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of £2.50 GBP. You will get access to the following files:

glutton-0.2.exe 17 MB

Development log


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there's no comments, I cannot make sense of the 2 pictures I'm seeing as the only preview and I'm sure as hell not paying more for this than for something like Smasher and the will O the thicc, which has more pictures, which aren't cut and which I have invested 3$ for 36hours of playtime. This might last, for how much you've shown, around 30 minutes, which is not enough for 5-6$ of pricetag.

(1 edit)

I’m sorry I haven’t changed the images on the front yet - waiting for full launch but yeah I might make new pictures because they don’t represent the game at all haha

This is actually a fair point - I've lowed the price a bit so anyone sceptical has more of an incentive to check it out - always happy to offer refunds within 2 days